美国ASI平台后台显示product missing image tags,怎么让他confirmed呢?

To add Media Tags to images, click on the checkbox in the lower right corner of the image(s). You can also use the options to the left to filter images and use the Select All button. Once you have chosen the image(s) you would like to tag, click on the Bulk Edit button. Chose which products to apply the bulk edit to: ALL Images (every uploaded image in the Media Library) ALL Filtered Images (any images which meets the criteria selected) Selected Images (only the images you have specifically marked) Next, click on the Add Media Tags option and click on the Bulk Edit button.


  • 所有图片(媒体库中上传的每张图片)
  • 所有过滤图像(任何符合所选标准的图像)
  • 选定的图像(仅限您特别标记的图像)




市面价: $0


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