

PPAI 会员资格使公司能够全面进入促销产品行业。新成员学习如何从各种来源开始,包括行业研究、在线社区、教育平台、PPAI 行业目录、贸易展览和专业发展活动。会费根据公司类型和年度促销产品销量而定。所有申请人都必须满足既定的资格标准才能加入 PPAI,然后才能获得完整的会员权益。


PPAI 非会员是合格的行业公司,可以参加行业首屈一指的贸易展 PPAI 博览会。PPAI 非会员在获得参加 PPAI 博览会或其他 PPAI 活动之前必须满足既定的资格标准。作为 PPAI 非会员参与在线或直播教育、专业发展活动和进入市场将受到严格限制,并且费用设定高于 PPAI 会员。

To qualify for Supplier Membership

An applicant must be able to demonstrate intent to sell promotional products to Distributors and fulfill each of the following criteria:

  1. Provide documentation totaling at least 10 qualifying points based on the points assigned to the following qualifiers:PointsQualifier1Purchase Order [PO] from an industry Distributor dated within the last 12 months, no more than two (2) POs from any one Distributor2Written sponsorship from a PPAI Member5Active web presence clearly demonstrating intent to act as a promotional products Supplier10Membership in a PPAI-affiliated regional or international association10Product(s) actively listed with SAGE Quick Technologies
  2. Declare a promotional products annual sales volume of at least $50,000.
  3. Be in business at least 6 months
  4. − The personal experience of an applicant in the promotional products industry is acceptable in lieu of the 6 months business experience
  5. Must have a physical presence within the United States or its possessions, Canada or Mexico, which might include, but not be limited to: a warehouse or a sales, manufacturing or distribution facility



  1. 根据分配给以下限定符的分数,提供总计至少 10 分的文件:积分预选赛1个过去 12 个月内来自行业分销商的采购订单 [PO],来自任何一位分销商的采购订单不超过两 (2)2个来自 PPAI 会员的书面赞助5个活跃的网络存在清楚地表明有意充当促销产品供应商10PPAI 附属区域或国际协会的会员资格10SAGE Quick Technologies 积极上市的产品
  2. 申报促销产品的年销售额至少为 50,000 美元。
  3. 经营至少 6 个月
  4. − 申请人在促销产品行业的个人经验可以代替 6 个月的业务经验
  5. 必须在美国或其属地、加拿大或墨西哥有实体存在,其中可能包括但不限于:仓库或销售、制造或分销设施

AMPPRO - Asociación Mexicana de Professionales de la Promoción A.C.

APPA - Australasian Promotional Products Association

BPMA - British Promotional Merchandise Association

PPPC - Promotional Product Professionals of Canada

PROMOTA - The Promotional Merchandise Trade Association

PSI - Promotional Product Service Institute



市面价: $0


*鸿馨保密协议:保密信息是指您提供给我们所有与你隐私相关的信息资料,包括但 不限于客户护照,ASI号,客户网站,SAGE号,公司名称,公司申请地址,银行信息和手机号码以及客户信息,支票信息, 离岸公司名字和注册地等