

What is legal name of business? Do you have a separate DBA?

What is business address?

Do you have separate shipping address for UPS?

What is business phone number?

What year did your business start?

What is type of business? (LLC, Corp, Sole Prop, tax exempt, ect)

What is your tax ID?

Are you the owner of the business?   If yes what percentage?  If no, what is your title?

What is your name?

What is your home address?

What is your social security number?

What is your date of birth?

What products or services are you selling?

What is your average transaction in $? (for 1 sale)

What is your expected highest highest transaction in $?  How often

What is your estimated monthly volume in $?

What is your bank routing and account number?

Do you want standard, surcharge or basic plan?

Do you want to do personal guarantee or run under company? 



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*鸿馨保密协议:保密信息是指您提供给我们所有与你隐私相关的信息资料,包括但 不限于客户护照,ASI号,客户网站,SAGE号,公司名称,公司申请地址,银行信息和手机号码以及客户信息,支票信息, 离岸公司名字和注册地等